Huge thanks to Rust + Moth, who have nominated my poem, “Elegy”, for a 2025 Pushcart Prize. The poem appeared in their Spring 2024 issue.
Two of my poems will appear in the upcoming issue of The Passionfruit Review. "Channel Seascape" is one of my North Sea eco-poems; "still lives" is my first reverse poem.
One of my eco-poems, "a ghazal for Doggerland," about the submerged land that once connected the UK to mainland Europe, was published in Ink, Sweat and Tears this September.
Thank you to Shooter and Melanie Sykes-White for publishing this piece! I wrote “as you light up” during the pandemic lockdowns as a love letter to London, clubbing and crowds.
“Mammogram” is my take on a mirror poem; I thought the mechanical form echoed the experience. I was lucky; the lumps were just benign cysts.
Rust + Moth has just published another of my poems. This one is deeply personal and means a lot to me, and I'm glad it's found such a great home.
I’m a member of Women Who Submit, a writers’ organisation. Read “mother tongue”, a bilingual prose poem, in their latest anthology, Transformation.