• "Elegy" nominated for a Pushcart Prize

    Huge thanks to Rust + Moth, who have nominated my poem, “Elegy”, for a 2025 Pushcart Prize. The poem appeared in their Spring 2024 issue.

  • two poems in The Passionfruit Review

    Two of my poems will appear in the upcoming issue of The Passionfruit Review. "Channel Seascape" is one of my North Sea eco-poems; "still lives" is my first reverse poem.

  • ghazal in Ink, Sweat & Tears

    One of my eco-poems, "a ghazal for Doggerland," about the submerged land that once connected the UK to mainland Europe, was published in Ink, Sweat and Tears this September.

  • my shape poem "as you light up" opens Shooter Literary's Nightlife Issue

    Thank you to Shooter and Melanie Sykes-White for publishing this piece! I wrote “as you light up” during the pandemic lockdowns as a love letter to London, clubbing and crowds.

  • poem in Black Nore Review

    “Mammogram” is my take on a mirror poem; I thought the mechanical form echoed the experience. I was lucky; the lumps were just benign cysts.

  • a second poem in Rust + Moth

    Rust + Moth has just published another of my poems. This one is deeply personal and means a lot to me, and I'm glad it's found such a great home.

  • prose poem in WWS anthology

    I’m a member of Women Who Submit, a writers’ organisation. Read “mother tongue”, a bilingual prose poem, in their latest anthology, Transformation.